Maisha McAllister is a certified Bikram Yoga, Inferno Hot Pilates, children’s yoga instructor and marketing/event planning professional who started her yoga and fitness practice in Las Vegas in 2007.

She began doing work-study at her local Vegas studio and when she started taking long lunch breaks and even calling off of work just to go to Bikram yoga or go to the gym, she knew that she had a passion for this yoga and fitness. She then made the decision to become a Bikram Yoga and Hot Pilates instructor. Maisha attended Bikram Yoga Teacher Training in spring 2014 and Inferno Hot Pilates training in 2018.

Since becoming a Bikram yoga instructor, Maisha has seen hundreds of people and children change their lives, their minds and their bodies with this yoga and fitness. The reason why she practices Bikram yoga is because it gave (and continues) to give her balance, confidence, clarity and passion.

Maisha teaches a fun class filled with singing, laughter, intense knowledge of the postures and LOTS of burpees. So be ready to work hard and have fun all in the name of healing and getting stronger.